Selected Print and Online Media Coverage
ABC News
The bald truth about CEOs
Allure Magazine
Looking Successful
American Bar Association (ABA) Journal
Study Finds Link Between Law Firm Profitability and Managing Partners with Powerful Faces
The Atlantic
Testing Gaydar
Can you spot a Republican (or a Democrat) just by looking at one?
The Boston Globe
Something in the Way He Moves
Tough luck for women in science
What makes people gay? (An update)
Canadian Lawyer
Pictures and profits
Our brains see black men as bigger, stronger than white men of same size: study
CBS News
How much weight do you have to lose before people notice?
Chronicle of Higher Education
The Keys to Success?
Study: We think black men are bigger than white men (even when they're not)
Ovulating women better at spotting straight men: study
The Economist
Physiognomy and Success
Looks could kill
Financial Post
Good looks can get you that job, promotion and raise
The Leonardio DiCaprio Factor? Study finds wider-faced men are better negotiators
Here's exactly when people will notice that you've lost weight
The Globe and Mail
The sixth sense: Do women really have 'gaydar'?
Hartford Courant
Turn On The 'Gaydar'
Huffington Post
How's your "gaydar"?
How to make the perfect first impression (according to science)
Want to make a good impression? Try this trick
Does losing weight make you more attractive?
The Independent
Young black men perceived as bigger, stronger and more dangerous than white men, study finds
LA Times
People overestimate the size of black men, perceive them as more threatening than white men, study finds
Maclean's Magazine
The chiselled features of a good CEO
The look of leadership
Ovulating women have better "gaydar"
Men's Health
Weight loss—The key to attractiveness?
Metro (Toronto)
Non-profit leaders more teddy bears than sharks, says U of T study
Miller-McCune Magazine
The Right Face for a Whig
Women's 'gaydar' improves during ovulation
National Post
Should Tinder selfies come with an 'object may have been manipulated' warning?
National Public Radio
In Court, Your Face Could Determine Your Fate
NBC News
'Babyface' look can help black CEOs, study says
New York Daily News
Black men viewed as larger, more dangerous than white men of same size, study says
New York Post
GOP and Dems faceoff
The New York Times
Your Politics are Written all Over Your Face
The Science of 'Gaydar'
Pacific Standard
The 30 top thinkers under 30: The studies of faces with a few tricks that will make you look more attractive
People see black men as larger and stronger than white men—even when they're not, study says
Popular Science
The Science of Gaydar: How Ovulation and Sexy Stores Sharpen Sexual Perception
Psychology Today
You only get once chance
What your face really reveals about you
Reader's Digest
13 Things You Should Know About First Impressions
Science Magazine
An Eye for Sexual Orientation
Scientific American
There's Something Queer about That Face
A face for politics: New study shows we can tell Democrats from Republicans in head shots
Do Selfies Make you Look Bad?
Read my lisp
Sports Illustrated
Handsome is as Handsome Does
Time Magazine
Can Looks Predict a Successful CEO?
Is He Gay? Ovulating Women Can Tell
The Times (London)
Can you put a face to the boss?
The Toronto Star
Women have better gaydar when ovulating: U of T study
'Gaydar' worksand conservatives have more of it, says U of T researcher
The price of a prettier face? Maybe 14 pounds
Black men perceived as more threatening, expert tells Andrew Loku inquest
USA Today
It's written all over their faces
UTNE Reader
Judging Republicans and Democrats by their Faces
Voice of America
Republican Looks Win GOP Votes for Democrats
Study: people see black men as larger and more threatening than similarly sized white men
Wall Street Journal
The Curse of an Untrustworthy-Looking face
The Faces of Charity and Profit
The Washington Post
How a CEO's face could predict his success
People see black men as larger and stronger than white men—even when they're not, study says
Yahoo! Finance
'Powerful' faces not as successful in non-profit sector: study
Selected Radio and Television Coverage
ABC news, Cleveland
Tamir Rice case connected to study showing black men are perceived as stronger, more threatening
Black men perceived as larger and more dangerous
The Emily Rooney Show, WGBH Boston
Lie to Me (Fox TV fictional drama)
Season 1, "The Better Half"
WKSU (Kent State University radio)
Perceptions of black men as bigger, more menacing than whites surface in a new study